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Showing posts from April, 2023

"the struggle that we wage"

"Allegory" by Philip Guston Doing "We're born with infinite possibilities, only to give up on one after another. To choose one thing means to give up another. That's inevitable. But what can you do? That's what it is to live.” -Hayao Miyazaki, The Kingdom of Dreams and Madness I once wrote that the future only materializes once you hack away the foliage and look at the path you made, but I didn't realize hacking would take so long. I changed countries to pursue a new route 6 months ago, but this route didn't materialize, and I find myself in the same situation I tried to escape. " Your life is full of possibilities! " That promise from childhood looms over me once again. " So many possibilities! So many chances to make the wrong decision!" The fear of choosing incorrectly keeps me frantically swinging from one open door to another, and I never close or enter any. If only someone else would reach through and pull me to the other sid...