안녕하세요! Hello! This update includes music from a versatile jazz musician, a bone-chilling show about Korean military life, and a book that reads like a dream (but not in the way you think). Enjoy! Listening Kim Oki - Anxiety is the Dizziness of Freedom (불안은 자유의 현기증) The saxophonist, Kim Oki, is not a cookie-cutter musician. His music creeps under the skin, reminding listeners of the depth of human emotion, both the good and bad. Kim Oki's songs range from soft jazz, to techno, to genre-less discordant chaos, and their themes cover the spectrum of love and depression. The musician's not afraid to explore uncomfortable topics such as a prejudice, religion, or social ills (such as those featured in UnemploymentBankrupcyDivorceDebtSuicide Rest Stop , a song detailing the miserable life of an unnamed nobody.). Kim's most recent collaboration with Moon Yirang is as compelling as Kim's other works. Anxiety is the Dizziness of Freedom gives an accurate depiction of anxiety b...
I post updates with thoughts and feelings about what I experience as an American in South Korea. I recently received a master's degree in Korean Studies from Yonsei University, having taken classes on Korea's history, social issues, and pop culture. In my free time, I like to explore Korean literature and the underground arts scene. If you're curious about my journey navigating how to live in and love Korea well, read on!