Hello, I'm not sure I want to be here Perhaps this blog's no longer monthly, but I certainly have no intention to let it sputter and die. I like having an outlet to express my thoughts and remind myself why I came to Korea in the first place, especially since more and more I'm wondering if all this is just some grand hobby. This is what you love. These are the things you felt important to share, I tell myself. Now if only this love could translate to a clear career path. With graduation coming up I find myself at a crossroads. Do I go back to the US? What will I do there? Is my stay in Korea at an end? Honestly, that thought terrifies me, so do I stay here? And if I stay here, what can I do? I see my US friends getting married, having kids, buying homes, and feel like an adult-child in contrast. If I had never switched from a music major to anthropology would I be at that stage too? If I had never studied abroad would I have missed Korea so badly that I ended up on a three-...
I post updates with thoughts and feelings about what I experience as an American in South Korea. I recently received a master's degree in Korean Studies from Yonsei University, having taken classes on Korea's history, social issues, and pop culture. In my free time, I like to explore Korean literature and the underground arts scene. If you're curious about my journey navigating how to live in and love Korea well, read on!