Let's Talk about SDGs! This summer I'm taking part in a workshop meant to teach and spread awareness among international students in Korea about the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which the United Nations put together in 2015. These goals refer to world issues various countries have agreed to address, such as poverty and global hunger. My groupmate, Nisha Bhardwaj, introduced the goals in her Instagram post , while Bu Chan Go explained in his Facebook post how working to achieve one goal helps to achieve others. (For example, achieving the goal "Clean Water and Sanitation" (Goal 6) influences the goal "Good Health and Wellbeing" (Goal 3).) Below, the 17 Sustainable Development Goals: Photo found on wordpress.com Both Nisha and Bu Chan used examples from their home countries to describe how these goals were being realized, with a focus on immigration and refugee policy. However, mobilizing the resources necessary to achieve these collective...
I post updates with thoughts and feelings about what I experience as an American in South Korea. I recently received a master's degree in Korean Studies from Yonsei University, having taken classes on Korea's history, social issues, and pop culture. In my free time, I like to explore Korean literature and the underground arts scene. If you're curious about my journey navigating how to live in and love Korea well, read on!